Arm & Hammer
Brandwatch, Survey Development, Primary Research, Usage Observations, Focus Group, Shopalong, Nielsen Data, Price Strategy, Secondary Research, Photoshop, Illustrator, Keynote
For this university course group project we focused on the behavior of consumers using Arm & Hammer baking soda. After holding focus groups and observing a variety of participants through shop-alongs and usage observations, my team and I found that there are potential opportunities for Arm & Hammer to expand their product line with new innovations or modify features of their current products.
This product innovation has Arm & Hammer baking soda in easy tablets that allow the consumer to clean odors in their garbage disposals, dishwashers, washing machines, toilets, and others. We plan on putting this product next to toilet cleaning supplies.
Another product innovation we came up with was combining the natural strength of baking soda with a cleaning eraser. We came to realize through our primary research our target segment were following the trend of spot cleaning in which the cleaning eraser could ride. In order to compete with Mr. Clean magic eraser we plan on putting this product next to the main competitor on the shelf space.
This innovation focused on putting one teaspoon of baking soda into a packet to create a packet of 20 single easy to use packets. Through usage observations we discovered a concern of consumers was the open packaging of the typical Arm & Hammer box. These individual packets were created in order to respond to this concern many consumers faced. This product would be placed on the shelves next to the other baking soda items.
We also thought of changing the common cardboard packaging of baking soda to a plastic, reusable case in order to keep the baking soda fresh. This product would be placed on the shelf space next to the existing Arm & Hammer boxes.