Statistical Inference
RStudio, Statistical Inference
Using primary data I investigated what drove satisfaction for an amusement park. Using p-values and confidence intervals I discovered what was driving satisfaction at “Amusement Park A”. I used a continuous rating scale of satisfaction, and I created a discrete indicator which is referred to as top-box satisfaction. I explored what explanatory variables could be contributing to overall satisfaction.
By using a histogram on a scale of one to seven, with one being not satisfied, and seven being extremely satisfied, I found that many who attended Amusement Park A were overall satisfied.
After, I created a bootstrap distribution that shows the mean satisfaction in the population is very positive. There is a confidence interval roughly between 5.9 and 6.2 which is shown below. This concludes that satisfaction with this amusement park is above average.
I then performed a top-box satisfaction where I created a discrete indicator where anyone who rated a six or below was “not extremely satisfied” and anyone who rated a seven was “extremely satisfied”. The proportion of those who were surveyed show that less than 50% of the population had top-box satisfaction.
Afterwards, I looked to see if there were any relationship between top-box satisfaction and gender. After creating a bar plot, I discovered that females were more likely to have top-box satisfaction at Amusement Park A compared to males.
To verify that women were more likely to have top-box satisfaction at Amusement Park A I created a null distribution that gives a p-value close to 0.01, thus confirming females were more likely to have top-box satisfaction compared to males.
I then compared to see if there were any relationship between satisfaction and marital status. I created a box plot to see if there appeared to be any relationship. After visualizing with a box plot it appears there was a relationship.
At first it could have been concluded that there was a relationship, but after looking more closely it was clear according that the p-value was roughly around .27 thus showing there was no relationship between marital status and satisfaction at Amusement Park A.
Overall, Amusement Park A had overall great satisfaction, and females were more likely to have top-box satisfaction than men, and marital status did not have any statistical significance in terms of determining satisfaction.